Christina Kepenos was born in Greece.
As a child she remembers herself with a pen and paper in her hands trying to write. She always felt like she wanted to write. There was a lot she wanted to write about.
Unfortunately, she had to experience the loss of her beloved mother when she was only thirteen years old. The pain that she felt was the catalystfor her writing which was to become her life’s passion. A few months after her mother’s passing she started to write poems for her.
Writing her first poem, she felt a sense of relief. It was like a part of her pain had vanished. That feeling followed her every time she wrote a poem about her mother.
Christina immigrated to Australia at the age of sixteen years. She had to work hard in a lot of different jobs. She then studied Child Care which gave her a sense of fulfilment.
She always felt very close to children, as she had two of her own.
Later in life, she discovers her passion to write Children’s stories.
Her imagination took over. There was no stopping her.
Sophie’s adventure is one of her creations.
She hopes that all children will love her book.